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Kinnary Nensee
5 min read
Are you ready for Baby No. 2? List of pros and cons to help you decide.
Of course, when we think about our children or would be children, it is our heart that has the larger role than our minds.
3 min read
Preparing your baby for a new sibling.
It’s a whole new dynamic introducing a new arrival to your elder baby. So, here are a few hacks to sail you smoothly.
3 min read
Talking to my 3-year old about body safety
You can start as young as 1 year old. You have to inculcate the idea that the child is the boss of his/her own body.
Kinnary Nensee
4 min read
Can we look at Screen time positively?
Lets strategically choose age - appropriate movies to teach our toddler life lessons
Kinnary Nensee
4 min read
Talking about death to your toddler
When you are dealing with your pain and sorrow, it is harder to talk to your child as instinctively you always want to shield them.
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